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Pianist, composer and teacher born in Havana, Cuba. He began his piano studies at the age of 8 at the Alejandro García Caturla Conservatory.

Throughout 18 years of experience as a teacher, he has taught the disciplines of Composition, Harmony, Polyphony and Counterpoint, Music Theory, Composition Techniques, Musical Analysis and Cuban / Latin Music.

It has a catalog of more than 100 works for different formats, with an emphasis on music for audiovisuals.

Academic data

- He graduated in 1992 as an Engineer in Computer Machines at the Higher Polytechnic Institute "José Antonio Echeverría" (ISPJAE) in Havana.

- Obtained in 2003 a degree from the Higher Institute of Art (ISA. University of the Arts of Havana) in the specialty of Composition.

- In 2008 he reached the scientific degree of Doctor of Science on Art at the Higher Institute of Art (ISA. University of the Arts of Havana)

Teaching, academic and research experience

For 16 years he was a Professor at the Higher Institute of Art (current University of the Arts of Havana). He belonged to the Permanent Court of Scientific Degree of the aforementioned institution and is still a member of its Commission of Scientific Degrees. He was the Coordinator until March 2018 of the Master of Music at the University of the Arts of Havana.

Currently (since April 2018) he is a professor at the University of the Arts of Ecuador and the coordinator of the Master in Musical Composition and Sound Arts. He directs the Ecuadorian Musical Heritage research group (PME).

He was tutor of the doctoral thesis already defended Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the discipline Introduction to Harmony and Auditory Training at the Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil (UCSG) of the teacher MgS. Gustavo Daniel Vargas Prías.

He has been an opponent and has been part of numerous courts in pre-defenses and defenses of bachelor's, master's and doctorates:

2010: Secretary of the tribunal of the thesis Isaac Nicola Romero: Father of the Classical Guitar in Cuba, in option to the scientific degree of Doctor of Science on Art of the candidate Aldo Rodríguez Delgado.

2010: Member of the tribunal of the thesis Argeliers León, action and thought. Study from the analysis of social networks, in option to the scientific degree of Doctor of Science on Art of the aspirant Miriam Julieta Villa Correa.

2011: Opponent of the thesis Pedro Biava Ramponi and his disciple Hans Federico Neuman del Castillo: two representative personalities of the classical musical history of the Colombian Caribbean, in option to the scientific degree of Doctor of Science on Art of the aspirant Yamira Rodríguez Núñez.

2012: Member of the tribunal of the thesis Composition for stringed instruments rubbed in Cuba after the artistic avant-gardes and up to the present time in option to the scientific degree of Doctor of Science on Art of the aspirant Mara Lioba Juan Carvajal.

2013: Opponent of the thesis Music and cultural identity. Puerto Príncipe 1800-1868, as an option to the scientific degree of Doctor of Science on Art of the applicant Verónica Elvira Fernández Díaz.

2014: Opponent of the thesis The development of pianistic art in the northwestern region of Mexico, 20th and 21st centuries (Historical-cultural approach) in option to the scientific degree of Doctor of Science on Art of the aspirant Antonina Dragan.

2015: Member of the tribunal of the thesis African Legacy in the cultural identity of Bahía Honda in option to the scientific degree of Doctor of Science on Art of the applicant Silfredo Rodríguez Basso.

2016: Member of the panel of the thesis The route of the choreographer: Presence of Vicente Nebrada and significance of his work in the configuration of the Venezuelan ballet as an option to the scientific degree of Doctor of Science on Art of the applicant Carlos Augusto Paolillo Omaña.

From 2007 to 2017 he composed music for the ICAIC Animation Studios with more than 100 cartoons and a feature film in its catalog. He has also created soundtracks for plays, documentaries and television audiovisuals.

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